West Ham United’s Vice-Chairman Speaks on Kurt Zouma’s Saga | Read


The vice-chairman of West Ham United, Karren Brady has spoken for the first time in public concerning the Kurt Zouma’s cat-kicking situation.

Karren Brady


Zouma was filmed in a video which was released on Tiktok earlier in the week by his brother, where he was kicking his cat and slapping the animal. The French defender has been under scrutiny from a lot of people following his action on the cat.

Brady was speaking in her Sun Column, confirmed that she and the club are not in any way supportive of Zouma’s action. She also confirmed that the player is remorseful and has apologised to the club and the public.

Let me be absolutely clear, there is no defence for Kurt Zouma’s actions. I, like anyone who watched the video that circulated this week, was shocked by what I saw. Kurt’s behaviour in no way reflected the standards and values that we hold dear at West Ham United and of course those of our pet-loving nation. Our stance on this as a club has been clear from the onset, we unreservedly condemn his actions and will never condone any form of cruelty towards animals. We have acted swiftly to fine him the maximum amount available to us. I feel it is important and appropriate at this stage to stress that Kurt Zouma, the person, is entirely aware of the severity of his actions. It has been said before but I can say it again now, because I have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, he is extremely remorseful. He has said sorry and apologised to everyone at the club and the wider public. This is an important first step on what will be a journey of re-education and atonement and It is a journey we will support him on.

David Moyes also confirmed in a press conference on Friday, February 11th, 2022, that the defender will be available for selection against Leicester City on Sunday.

Zouma has lost his sponsorship deal with Addidas, the club has also had some deals suspended while some terminated.
